Some of the richest family histories are recorded through stories. This cemetery is fortunate to have a bit of it's history shared by Mrs. Velma Hiatt when she was 101 years young. She remembered C. C. Midkiff telling them this story when they were children. It goes like this....
A Sutphin man (whose first name she could not remember) used to walk every day
where the cemetery is now located. He commented to Mr. C. C. Midkiff how pretty it was and he
would like to be buried there on C. C. Midkiff’s land. When Mr. Sutphin later died, Mr. Midkiff gave
permission for him to be buried on this knoll. Unfortunately, no record exists as to where the grave
actually is located since many markers have disappeared over the years.
We are thankful Mrs. Velma was able to share this bit of her personal memories of the cemetery with us. The cemetery contains eight graves from the 1800s including C.C. Midkiff's daughter Mary Ann Midkiff Parks.
In a detailed previous inventory of the cemetery, this is the list of all the graves from the 1800s that
were located:
Ruthie J. Deatherage, January 1876
Martha Jan Deatherage, December 1886
Infant daughter of Ann Sutphin, April 1882
Willie Abner Sutphin, July 1895
Alice S. Norman, July 1896
Mary Ann Midkiff Parks, Sept. 1898 (C. C. Midkiff's Daughter)
Eliza Sutphin, March 1899
James C. Sutphin, July 1899
A partial listing of gravesites for Midkiff Family Cemetery has been compiled in cooperation with the Surry County Genealogical Society. It may be found at http://cemeterycensus.com/nc/surr/cem163.htm
There are two cemeteries in proximity to the Midkiff Cemetery that predate the Midkiff Cemetery and
have relatives of the Midkiff’s buried in them. Both Cemeteries should be noted for historical and
genealogy purposes here.
1. Taylor Cemetery – end of Forkner Drive (paved part); walk down power line access and
cemetery is on the left in the woods of the power line ; Martha Jane Taylor Midkiff’s mother is
buried here as well as other descendants (John Baldwin), etc.
2. Forkner Cemetery – on land now owned by Alicia and Gabriel Torres; can access via end of
McGee street off Hwy 89 Westfield Rd or contact Mr./Mrs. Torres and request access across
their property. Various Forkners buried here (CC Midkiff’s mother, Lucy Ann Forkner, et.
Note: most of the land in this whole area came about from the Forkner’s land grant of 1,000+
acres. Also, the Forkner’s clan is related to William Faulkner, the author, from a derivation in
spelling in a previous generation.
The current trustees are: Steve Loftis, Donna Patterson Keck, Richard Loftis, Jayme Reeves Brant,and Bethany Patterson Shepherd. Although not a requirement for serving, all current trustees are proud to be direct descendants of Christopher Columbus Midkiff and thereby have ancestors buried in the cemetery.